Why Japanese are Skinny? Are Those Genetics or Actually Have Great Nutrition?

Japanese pattern OPINION

Hello, Everyone!
Here’s Sachi!

Japanese Have Different Genes from Westerners.

I know next to nothing about the gene because I’m not a doctor but definitely we have different genes from Westerners.

For example stomach shape, intestinal environment, and so on.

Traditional Japanese meals give an advantage in the genetic makeup of the Japanese.

stomach illustration
stomach illustration

Japanese stomach structure is shaped by eating grain. Digesting grain takes a lot of effort which causes the stomach to increase in length.

Japanese develop visceral fat easily (by contrast, Westerners develop subcutaneous fat easily).

Visceral fat badly influences health more than subcutaneous fat.

Traditional Japanese meals work well in getting rid of visceral fat. Traditional Japanese meals were established by our ancestors’ instincts.

Japanese Meal Culture

Lunch in Japanese schools (6-15 years old) is managed by a nutritionist. Each district has a supply center of school meals. The nutritionist figures out lunch menus monthly for children’s health. There are no vending machines in schools and we do not allow children to go to school with snacks.

A high school (16-18 years old) has a vending machine and a small shop because the schools don’t offer lunch. The high school students bring a lunch box or buy the lunch in a small shop. Girls’ lunch boxes are quite small.

Basically, to manage employees’ health, a company has a supply center of meals that provide healthy dishes.

Needless to say, the Japanese staple food is rice and it works well to provide dietary fiber and starch that is beneficial to the body. Japanese green tea cleans your intestinal environment with vitamins and minerals from the tea.

Japanese has the word『腹八分目(hara hachibunme)』(腹(hara)=お腹(onaka) お腹 means a stomach, 八分目(hachibunme) means 80% in 100%). It means you shouldn’t eat until you’re 100% satisfied, you need to stop eating when your stomach is 80% full, so that you can avoid over-energy intake.

Japanese meal
Japanese meal

Japanese meal has an old custom that is one a bowl of soup and three side dishes on the menu that is called 一汁三菜(ichijuu sansai), and rice. It is not the rule, but the custom might helps your health.

Japanese are Walking and Using Bicycles More Often.

Transportation is very convenient in the big city where almost all people use a train or a bus because these are cheaper than using a taxi and arrive on time. To use it, they go to the station on foot and stand at the train platform for a long time. As a result, it might become an opportunity for exercise.

In the local area, you need to have your own car, but there are some people who go anywhere by bicycle.

Generally, elementary students go to school on foot, junior high students go to school on foot or by bicycle (only people who have been permitted to use it by the school), and high school students go to school on foot, by bicycle, train, or bus. Unless it’s something serious, parents don’t drive their kids (for instance, when their kid are not feeling well or when the area get a disaster).

Even children who are 6 years old go to school on foot with senior students.

In my case, I went to school on foot for 12 years, and by train (25 min) and bicycle (50 min) for 3 years. My mom took me to the station by car because I didn’t have another bicycle.

They Have Different Opinions about Beauty Between Men and Women.

Japanese women want a skinny body like the models and they think that men like it too.

In fact, however, there are some people who like a chubby body type more than skinny women.

However, a lot of women have admiration towards a skinny body and feel it gives off a strong sense of beauty. It always becomes their goal (I’m one of those people), even though they know that men prefer a chubby figure.

Japanese women tend to believe they’ll be beautiful if they just lose weight.

Nowadays, we often use a car or we are working at a desk for a long time which are changing our lifestyle from the situation Japanese people lived 100 years in the past. Additionally, because of visceral fat, it is a fact that people have serious issues with health and increased changes in food culture are affecting our bodies.

Japanese ancestors didn’t have a problem with their bodies like this.

If you are still thinking about Japanese being skinny after hearing that I guess we have a high sense of personal health since it says that visceral fat is so bad for our health, and we carefully choose ingredients and items for the meals or diet.

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