My Beautiful Hometown

sazareishi Vlog

Hello, Everyone!
Here’s Sachi!

There is nothing famous about this town, but it has a long history.

I was born and raised in the beautiful town of Ibigawa which takes about an hour from Nagoya by train.

This town is vast and extends into the Mountains but the population is about 20,000.

my hometown

One of my favorite places is deep in the mountains. There, a large rock is worshipped. This big rock is called Sazare Ishi. The Sazare ishi is the model for the national anthem of Japan, and it was made from a number of pebbles that combined together, actually. I believe that the Sazare Ishi expresses the Japanese itself. Our anthem has so lovely a meaning, I want you to know if you want.

Actually, I thought this town was so dull when I was young because there’s nothing to do here. It doesn’t have a shopping mall, karaoke, and even McDonald’s. So, it was a boring place, I thought.

But I realized what is important. What is important is the beautiful nature surrounding this town, the comfortable quiet, and that it is such a beautiful place.

To my delight, my foreign friend told me that this beautiful town does not need chain restaurants such as Mcdonalds’.

Especially, Ibigawa town seldom has disasters. It rarely suffers from typhoons. This is probably because the town is surrounded by mountains. Since there is no ocean in this prefecture, there is no fear of tsunamis. And one more thing, There is unlikely to be flood damage because the land is higher than the river. The town doesn’t have very tall buildings so the residents are not worried about a collapse and we don’t really feel the ground shaking when an earthquake hits this town.

I found my dad’s remarks about this area very interesting as he said that the ground was made from pebbles because it used to be a river beach and the pebbles absorbed the earthquake’s vibration. (The river called Ibigawa in Ibi used to be very vast in width. This means that our house is located on land that was once a riverbank.) I’m not sure if that is true or not but I believe my dad’s hypothesis.

This town has traditional things that must be maintained and young people have improved their own technical skills and are trying to create something new in this place. Also, there are many elders but they are still robust and healthy.

This town still has many fascinating things that I don’t know. I will offer information about this town and the Japanese way of living in rural areas and my lifestyle.

If you like, you can watch the article on YouTube.

Japanese subtitles are included, so it is recommended for studying Japanese!

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