What Do You Like about The City You Live In?


Hello, Everyone!
Here’s Sachi!

Is There Anything You Miss From Your Hometown?

I’m from Gifu. Everybody often says that they don’t know where Gifu is. (It’s so sad.)

Gifu is located almost in the middle of Japan with no sea or airport.

Gifu is shaped like a dog on a map.

It has two big areas; the Mino area (the west side) and the Hida area (the east side). We have a bit different cultures and dialects between them even though the citizens are the same.

Hida meet
Hida meet sushi

Hida area is well known for its Hida meat, “Gasshoudukuri” a Japanese traditional old house, and Tetsuya Odori (Tetsuya means all night. Odori means dancing). The traditional old cityscape still exists today in many areas around Hida.
★This is the Hida meat sushi!

By contrast, the Mino area has nothing special.

If I had to say, there is the town of Sekigahara.

Back in the Sengoku era, a big battle took place in the town and it became known historically as the battle of Sekigahara.

This battle hugely influenced Japan because Tokugawa Ieyasu fought and struggled against Ishida Mitsunari.

In the end, Tokugawa Ieyasu won and Ishida Mitsunari lost. Soon after, the Tokugawa shogunate started and continued for 260 years.

Unfortunately, few people know that the Sekigahara battlefield is located in Gifu. (It’s so sad.)

My birthplace is in the west; the Mino area.

The town is surrounded by nature and has fresh air and clean water.

Surprisingly, there is no karaoke, manga café, rental shop, yoshigyu, or Mcdonald’s. (Can you believe that!?)

In the summer it is hot and in the winter it snows.


Gifu is in the Tokai area of Japan (the Tokai area has Aichi, Gifu, and Mie).

The Tokai area has its own unique culture which is Morning.

Morning means breakfast with coffee. When you order a beverage, you can eat breakfast too without any extra charge! Mainly these cafes are in Aichi or Gifu. Basically, Morning includes a slice of bread, salad, and a cup of soup. In my local area, some cafés offer Chawanmushi or a small bowl of Udon.

breakfast at cafe

Cafes open at 6 or 7 o’clock. In other places in Japan, Morning needs extra money and they open later than our place.

You should try it if you visit Japan!

The place I was born doesn’t have a common business you would find in a big city. However, it is calm and seldom experiences natural disasters.


I miss the town where I can eat the Morning a lot!!

What Do you Like about The City You Live in Now That Your Hometown Does Not Have?

I live in Kakegawa, Shizuoka for about 6 years.

Shizuoka is famous for its Mt. Fuji and green tea.

The climate has been comparatively warm throughout the year in this area but it has very strong wind!

Please, watch out for your hairstyle as it will become messy and your cap or hat will fly away in the wind!

The green tea made in Shizuoka features a deep green and bitter taste.

As far as I know, green tea made in other locations are light green and this surprises people from Shizuoka whenever they try tea from other places since they are expecting a deeper color.

Shinkansen at Kakegawa station is very convenient. (There is a Shinkansen station in Gifu too, but it’s too far from my hometown.)

There is Kakegawa jou (jou means a castle) near the station.

There are 300 cherry blossom trees around there called Kakegawa Sakura and they have vivid pink color.


The best time to visit the site is in March when the Sakura is in full bloom and attracts you!

You can go to look around Kakegawa jou and look down at Kakegawa city from the top of the castle inside. After that, you can have a special time drinking traditional Japanese tea at Ninomaru. (It is a building next to the castle.)

Kakegawa city has many special places that my hometown doesn’t have. Starbucks opened too in 2021.

Would You Want to Try Living in a Different City in Japan? If So, What City?

the big city or the island

I’ve always admired Ishigaki island located in southern Japan. I’d like to have fun with the view from the beach without doing anything. Nevertheless, I can’t swim in the sea because I’m afraid of sharks!!

Yokohama in Kanagawa prefecture is so nice if I want to live in a big city. You can go to Tokyo anytime because it is next to Yokohama. People are less in number than in Tokyo and there are many fancy shops. One of the best things is that you can return home by train after going out for a drink!

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