Even if There are 10 Problems, I Feel the Joy of One 10 Times.

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Japanese with anime voice: episode100

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Hello, I’m Sachi.

What a surprise today, this is the 100th episode of this Japanese with anime voice, a memorable one! To other people, it’s not so important. Well, for me, I’m amazed that I’ve been able to do this for so long. Thank you very much to everyone who has listened to this far! Even though the podcast still doesn’t have many followers, it’s really nice to know that there is still even one person who listens to it every time.

Lately, as I often say on YouTube, I am really happy. My daily life. I wonder if it’s okay that I’m so happy, and on the contrary, I’m so happy that it scares me. I usually stay at home and spend my time alone, but sometimes I have opportunities to meet people. Sometimes I meet a lot of people at once.

The other day, I posted a video on YouTube showing the production process of log maitake mushrooms over a two-week period. Maitake is one of the most commonly eaten mushrooms in Japan and is sold everywhere. It is quite rare to grow maitake mushrooms from logs. The process is also quite laborious. I met a local mushroom grower through a friend of mine, and in February of this year, I had the opportunity to photograph him at his work site. Then, thankfully, he asked me to film him for the rest of the year. The sequel to that February video is the two-week series I mentioned earlier at the beginning of this month.

During the filming, I had the opportunity to talk to quite a few people. The people I met were all very interesting. Most of them were older people, but some of them had tanned faces, blond hair, mohawks, and were dressed like delinquents. I wondered if they really lived in the mountains. The owner’s mother stopped by to check on him, and when I asked her what he was doing, she replied, “I’m going for a walk. I thought to myself, “If she was in the car, that wouldn’t be a walk”. But I thought her reply was funny. I don’t know how to put it, I was a new person to them, but they didn’t ignore my presence and spoke to me naturally, which made me happy. I was also very pleased with the hospitality of the owner of Maitake. He prepared tea for me, gave me ice cream every time I took a break, and even bought me lunch. I didn’t even help him, all I did was filming. And yet, he treated me with such hospitality!

And on another day, the owner held a hands-on training session for the students of the Forestry Academy, a college that the owner attended. There, I met about 10 students. Before the shoot, I thought that I would not be able to interact with the students. I thought they would be concentrating on their practical training and would have no contact with me. I am basically a shy person, so I am the type of person who cannot speak well when there are a lot of people around. Then one of the students started talking to me. I was so surprised! It wasn’t just one of them. They all talked to me in a friendly manner. I was amazed at how well communicative these young people are nowadays. At the end, one of the students and I got really excited talking about our favorite actors, and it was just so much fun.

And the day after the maitake mushroom shoot, I went to shoot a girl who does foot massage. There, the three of us, the masseuse, the client, and I talked again about various topics. I had a lot of fun with her and the other girl who came as a client, and we talked about all kinds of things. I also got a foot massage. I felt really happy.

I had unexpected encounters, unexpected clients, and unexpected things that could lead to my future. I felt that if I took this chance, it would surely be useful for me in the future.

I feel like I’m at the peak of my happiness right now. It’s also nice that we could talk about this on our 100th anniversary. You may think that the number of times I’ve talked about this is meaningless, but for me?

Someone once told me that you and I live in different worlds. He had a lot of family problems, and he seemed to think that I was happy and had no problems at all. Even now, there may be people who think that I am happy because I don’t have to go through any hardships. But in reality, it’s not like that. As much as I feel happy, I also have a lot of problems. There are times when I wonder what I should do about the things I can’t do anything about. But rather than thinking about such things, I just take the time to realize the happiness and joy I feel, even if only for a moment, as great happiness. Even if there are 10 problems, I feel the joy of one 10 times. That’s all.

What I want to say is that happiness depends on oneself. Anyway, I am always happy now. Today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow is better than today. If I feel happy at any given moment, I am happier today than I was yesterday. So, what is the happiness you feel today? What kind of things? By all means, please comment on your happiness. I would love to read them and share my happiness with you.

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