An announcement from Japanese with anime voice.

Podcast thumnail Podcast

Japanese with anime voice: episode101

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Hello, I’m Sachi.

Last week was our 100th anniversary, and I have a few things to announce here. I am very sorry, but I have decided to change the five weekly broadcasts after all.

In fact, I had to think long and hard about what I was going to say each time. To begin with, I’m not the type of person who can talk rapidly in front of a camera or microphone, but I was trying to force myself to do so. However, when I talk to people in general, I am quite talkative. But when it came time to talk about something, I couldn’t come up with a topic at all. Even if I do have a topic, it is surprisingly difficult to talk about it for more than five minutes. It might be possible if I talk without any context. But then the listeners would wonder what she was talking about. I was in a slump. I couldn’t come up with anything at all, and I was in despair, but I had to do it now or I would never make it in time. It wasn’t decided by anyone, it was just my own decision. For some reason, I was driven into a corner.

Recently, I started meditating to calm my messed up head. Then I realized that I was going in a different direction. I started the podcast like a radio DJ, but then I started focusing on how to get more followers. I looked into ways to grow my podcast, and I found the obvious things like the importance of a daily distribution and a regular distribution. So I changed the frequency.

But that’s not something I really enjoy doing. If my initial goal was to gain followers through podcasting, that would be fine. But that’s not what I started out to do.

I thought that if I wrote down the episodes in English, I would stand out from others, or if I broadcasted every day, I might get more followers, but it gradually turned into a self-interested goal. And then, to be honest, thinking about what I was going to say and writing it down in English became a daily task that became quite tedious. Then, I started to become more and more random. And that is definitely communicated to the other person.

I can make use of my dialect and still be the DJ I’ve always wanted to be. So what should I distribute?  I thought, “Why not make a podcast where people who are learning Japanese can listen to real Japanese?” I neglected that goal and lost direction because my mind went in a different direction, and I became very tired, and I felt that doing a few things at random was disrespectful to the people who were listening to me to learn Japanese. That’s what I thought.

So, in order to make it easier for me, I thought it would be better to reduce the frequency of delivery. So, if you were expecting five updates a week, I’m really sorry. I know there may not be anyone who was expecting it.

So, when I changed to a 5-weekly schedule, I changed the podcast season to Season 2, but since the frequency will change again, I will make it Season 3. So, until today’s broadcast, it will be Season 2.

And as for Season 3, I haven’t set a release date yet. I am going to take a break for about a month here. The world will be on summer vacation. I guess it doesn’t matter.

Season 3 is scheduled to begin in September. At that time, I will announce again the days and frequency of broadcasts.

The podcast has the wonderful feature of being able to be divided into seasons, so I will take advantage of this feature to make the channel a little more robust. I’m going to take a longer break for that. Until then, I will not be able to bring you any new episodes, but until Season 3 is released, please look back at the past episodes and listen to them over and over again! Thank you so much to everyone who has listened so far. I will be back soon, so please wait for a while.

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