What Souvenirs Did My Partner Buy for Me…?

Podcast thumnail Podcast

Japanese with anime voice: episode13


Hello, I’m Sachi.

Are there people around you who cause unusual happenings? Or, do you know someone who, for some reason, always encounters rare happenings, even though they are not caused by that person? I know someone very close to me. My partner. He is a person who fits both the former and the latter. He is really a mysterious person.

The other day, my partner came back from a business trip and told me that he had failed to bring me a souvenir. Since he was coming back later than usual that day, he said he would get something to eat on the Shinkansen. He bought an ekiben. Ekiben are boxed lunches sold at train stations. Ekiben, by the way, are quite luxurious, but they are expensive. So he decided to buy a tonkatsu lunch box, which was not so expensive. Later, when he went around the store with his lunch box, he found a salted sponge cake. He thought it was a rare salted sponge cake, so he picked it up and decided to give it to me as a souvenir. After paying the bill, he boarded the Shinkansen and was about to eat his lunch box.

Inside the bag, there was a layer of salt sponge cake on top of the ekiben. He took the sponge cake out of the bag and put it on the armrest of his chair. Then he noticed something was wrong. In fact, the souvenir he was supposed to have bought was not a salt sponge cake, but a Hirekatsusando! LOL He was so surprised that it was not a sponge cake that he let out a squeal of surprise. LOL He said that he looked twice at the Hirekatsusando on the Shinkansen train by himself, saying, “What?”. A Hirekatsusando is a sandwich made of pork cutlet. Well, it is also a Tonkatsu. It’s just a different part of pork. You know, everyone is surprised when what they thought was a salted sponge cake suddenly turned out to be a filet pork cutlet sandwich. LOL

And he thought I wouldn’t eat a Hirekatsusando, so he ate the whole thing by himself. I wanted to get a Hirekatsusando as a souvenir. Because souvenirs are usually sweet, aren’t they? If it was a sandwich from a famous restaurant, I would want to try it, and if it was a mistake like this, that would be interesting to talk about, too.

Well, the Hirekatsusando was never given to me as a souvenir, but it turned out to be an interesting story in itself. LOL

He said, when I was holding a tonkatsu lunch box and a Hirekatsusand, someone should mention, “Are you going to eat a tonkatsu lunch box and then eat a Hirekatsusand?”, but how could someone else mention such a thing? I’m sure the store clerk must have thought that this guy must really like tonkatsu. He said that the packaging was the same, so it was confusing and he made an excuse that he made a mistake, but I don’t think that was the case. Because he always picks up something without checking it, just by the atmosphere he sees. As someone who has watched him closely over the years, I know him well.

When we go to the grocery store, he sometimes brings three bags of yakisoba noodles and puts them in the shopping cart instead of the usual two. I don’t think he’s making a mistake, so I just think, “He’s eating three bags today,” or “He’s eating more than usual”. Then, when we get home, he notices that there are three bags of yakisoba noodles and asks me why. When I replied that you brought three bags of yakisoba noodles, he said, “That’s funny, I thought I only took two bags. I wish they would look at the items and count them before putting them in the shopping cart.

Before he bought the ekiben and souvenirs, he had a rough idea of how much they cost. Then, when he paid the bill, he thought it seemed a little expensive. He should have realized something was wrong at that point. But people usually realize such things when there is no way to go back. He uses PayPay, but when he looked at his purchase history later, he saw that it had unmistakably said “Hirekatsusand”.

Incidentally, I often see sangenbuta pork in grocery stores, and both the ekiben and the Hirekatsusand he bought were made from the same sangenbuta pork. The pork cutlet and the fillet had different parts, but the pork was the same. At least, it would have been nice if they had been different types of pork.

I would have been happy with the filet sandwich, but I wanted to try the salted sponge cake!

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