My Skin Care Routine.

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Japanese with anime voice: episode23

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Hello, I’m Sachi.

April 3 is Shimi Day, which is a combination of “shi” in “Shigatsu” and “Mi” in “Mikka”. (Shimi is a skin spot.) So, I thought I would take extra precautions against spots today.

I don’t like foundation. There was a time when I used to follow others around and wear foundation, but I don’t like the sagging, powdery, uneven look, and I don’t even want to use it anymore. So, if I am going to spend time with my skin as it is, I really need to take measures against spots.

When I was in my 20s, I would say to myself that my skin was so beautiful that it was a waste to wear makeup. Well, there was a time when I thought that would last forever. But I guess age is no match for that. A few years ago, spots started appearing on my skin, and I’m having trouble with it. But I don’t want to hide them with a foundation. I don’t know what to do.

A while ago, I found on Pinterest that rosemary is effective against spots, and I found a recipe for rosemary tincture on there. I made a recipe for rosemary tincture and am using it right now, but I’m not sure how effective it is. Still, I believe in it and keep using it. I mean, I made a lot of it, so I have no choice but to use it. If you have any suggestions on how to prevent spots that you use, please let me know!

So, since it’s the day of skin spots, I thought I’d talk about my skin care routine today. The word “skin care” makes me sound like a person who takes very good care of his/her skin. But I am sure when you hear this you will think it was a disappointment. In fact, I’m not even sure it’s worth talking about. But I want to talk about it. Will you listen? LOL

My current skincare regimen consists of the dokudami lotion my mom makes for me, the rosemary tincture I mentioned earlier, and オロナイン (oronain). I use milky lotion on and off, but lately I hardly use it at all. In terms of money, I spend less than 1,000 yen a month on skin care. I have never thought that expensive ones are good or cheap ones are bad. So I have used both expensive and cheap products, but now I don’t want to use anything other than handmade dokudami lotion. I think it’s because I’ve become more additive-free oriented. However, I’m still not that particular about it. But I still think it’s nice to use something natural and made by hand.

I rarely use milky lotion because I don’t like the idea of applying a commercial milky lotion on top of an additive-free lotion. I also don’t like how sticky it is. It is said that it is better to put milky lotion after lotion. It is said that the moisture in the skin evaporates and all that. Even so, I don’t think my skin condition is any different without milky lotion. I don’t feel dry at all. I have heard that if the skin does not have enough moisture, the secretion of sebum increases to moisten the skin, causing it to become sticky, but I have not felt any such stickiness.

I sweat a lot, especially in summer, and the humidity makes my face sweat quickly. If I use milky lotion in the summer, I feel that the sweat and the lotion will mix and cause skin irritation. A few years ago, the air conditioner broke down in the middle of summer, and I spent about two weeks in a steamy house. I soak myself in the bathtub even in the summer, so it’s hard for me to be without air conditioning in the middle of summer because the air is so hot and humid. I have too much hair, so my head steams with my own body heat, and the humidity makes me sweat, and the humidity in the house makes me sweat, too. This is like having twice as many problems. It caused an amazing amount of acne. Then I realized that milky lotion and humidity were incompatible with my skin, so I stopped using milky lotion during the summer. That’s how I got to where I am today.

I know some people get dry with lotion alone, but for me, I just use lotion and leave the rest to the moisture in the skin itself. My skin feels great when I do that.

Dokudami lotion seems to be good for preventing acne. However, if you are like me and the humidity doesn’t suit your skin, you can’t prevent pimples perfectly. When I get a pimple, オロナイン (oronain) is the most effective! It heals so quickly that I am surprised. It’s so effective that it scares me. It is a contradiction to say that I am an additive-free person and yet rely on オロナイン (oronain). LOL

If you have any recipes for additive-free cosmetics that are effective for acne, I would be happy to hear them!

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