My Partner is Not Good at Remembering The Names of Anything.

Podcast thumnail Podcast

Japanese with anime voice: episode48

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Hello, I’m Sachi.

8 May is Matsu Day – Matsu means pine tree.

The Society for the Protection of Pine Trees and Greenery in Japan established the day in honour of the first national conference on pine trees in Japan, which was held in Nara on this day in 1981. In Japan, pine trees are considered sacred trees where gods dwell, and this is one of the activities to protect such a representative tree of Japan with care forever.

The pine tree is an evergreen tree that never loses its leaves and stays green even in winter, which means ‘lasting health’ and ‘longevity’. It has long been considered a tree of good omen for longevity, and the language of flowers includes ‘sympathy’, ‘immortality’, ‘eternal youth’ and ‘bravery’. And the wood has been used in important parts of construction and treated with great care. The wind through pine trees is also said to bring good health and is good for both houses and people.

Pine trees are often depicted on byobu (folding screens) and fusuma (sliding screens). A byobu is a type of furniture used for room partitioning and decoration. The name ‘byobu’ comes from the word ‘wind-breaking’ and was originally used as a tool to block the wind. Over time, it came to play a more important role as an ornament for decorating a room, and many of them are beautiful and luxurious, with pine trees and other objects painted on them.

Pine trees are an indispensable part of a Japanese garden, and pine trees and Japan are inseparable, so much so that they are inextricably linked to each other.

In recent years, with the spate of detached houses and plots with very little garden space, there is no room for pine trees in the garden like there used to be. And it’s hard to maintain them. In the first place, the style of Japanese houses is also becoming more and more obsolete. That is more of a problem than the lack of gardens. It is really sad to see the Japanese style disappearing. If I could, I would love to live in a house with a garden.

Last summer, I went on a trip to Kanazawa, do you know 兼六園 (Kenrokuen) Garden? It’s a famous Japanese garden, perfectly maintained and very beautiful, but it’s so big. If I didn’t have a map, I wouldn’t know where I was. But this is a place where the four seasons of Japan are beautifully displayed, so I would definitely recommend a visit. I think you could probably stay here for half a day. If you want to see every corner, it might take a bit longer, but the scenery is almost the same, so you might get a bit bored. Yes, Everyone. The famous Japanese garden in Kanazawa is called 兼六園 (Kenrokuen). Ken-roku-en!

My partner made a terrible mistake about 兼六園 (Kenrokuen). When we were talking about where we went on our trip last year, he said, ‘Also, we went to 金津園 (Kanaduen), didn’t we?’ When he said this, I was so stunned that I couldn’t speak. I don’t think you all know what I’m talking about, but 金津園 (Kanaduen) is a well-known place among Japanese people. It’s mainly among men. The reason I know this is because I am from the prefecture where it is located. 金津園 (Kanaduen) is a place where there are shops with massages for men only. There is no way we would go to such a place as a couple. He has trouble because he remembers all kinds of names just from the atmosphere of the words. I told him there was no way we would go there, but for a while he couldn’t remember the name 兼六園 (Kenrokuen). He kept asking me, “What is 金津園 (Kanaduen)?”

But still, this time the mispronunciation was terrible. My partner may have remembered it just from the sound of the words, rather than the atmosphere of the words. Because it doesn’t match the atmosphere at all. In fact, I wonder why the word “金津園 (Kanaduen)” came up. 兼六園 (Kenrokuen) and 金津園 (Kanaduen), 園 (en) are the only words that fit. 兼六 (Kenroku) and 金津 (Kanadu) don’t even share a single character.

I’m so glad we talked about this at home. If we had this kind of conversation on the train, people would think what kind of couple we are. The couple who travel to 金津園 (Kanaduen). It’s ridiculous, isn’t it? It’s too much of a misnomer. Incidentally, He also remembered this word podcast just from the atmosphere. But it’s a pretty close word. He said podtod. He was like “What else do you do on YouTube? Podtod?” What’s a podtod…

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