The Ice Cream I Was About to Eat Turned to Ice.

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Japanese with anime voice: episode49

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Hello, I’m Sachi.

Today is designated as Ice Cream Day, after the first ice cream was produced and sold in Japan on 9 May, today in 1869. So, let’s all eat ice cream today. What is your favourite ice cream? I like Meiji Super Cup a lot. They used to only have vanilla, but then they started coming out with different flavours, and now they have milk tea and rare cheese cake. Whenever I see a new flavour at a convenience store, I buy it. There are also flavours like matcha green tea. It’s also delicious. There’s 200 ml of ice cream, so you can fill up your stomach just by eating one, and it’s very satisfying.

And because it’s a generous size, you can also make shakes by mixing Supercup ice cream and milk in a blender. I often do this in the summer and it’s easy to make, tasty and cheap, which is the best thing. I’ve only used vanilla ice cream so far. But I have put my mom’s strawberry jam in it. It was really good too! If you use vanilla, it’s great because you can try different flavoured shakes by topping them with whatever you like. This year, I might try making shakes with green tea or chocolate mint. I think it will be richer if I use soy milk instead of dairy milk. Okay, I’ll try soy milk this year!

So! Speaking of ice cream, I have bitter memories of it. It’s a memory that I don’t even think the word ‘bitter memory’ fits. When I was in primary school, I bought ice cream at a local candy shop. Melon ice cream, which I liked at the time. The container was shaped like a melon, with melon-coloured, melon-flavoured ice cream inside. I bought it and ate it right away, but I didn’t know what I was thinking, but I ate a little bit and stopped eating it. Then I put the lid on it and put it in the freezer.

So the next day, I don’t remember if it was the next day, when I remembered about the ice cream I was about to eat, I was so excited that I took the melon ice cream cup out of the freezer and opened the lid of the ice cream. But the contents were transparent. The last time I ate it, it was melon-coloured ice cream, but it had turned to ice. I was a fool and couldn’t understand what had happened, so I went to my mother and asked her if ice cream that had just been eaten could turn to ice. My mom looked at me like there was no way that was possible and said, “Huh”. Then she looked at the melon cup in my hand and said, “It must be your dad, he put water in it and froze it after he ate it.” I was wondering why he ate someone’s ice cream and didn’t throw the cup away, but instead put water in it and froze it. I didn’t understand what dad was doing at all. I really didn’t understand what he was doing.

My mom, she couldn’t believe that a father would eat ice cream that his child was about to eat, and that’s what bothered her. I don’t understand why my dad went to the trouble of putting water in the cup and freezing it. I still don’t. I don’t know if they put water in it because he felt guilty about eating it. If that was the case, I would have told him to buy a new one and put it in. Then I thought I’d eaten some of it, but somehow there’s more in it, and I just feel lucky. But when I opened the lid, there was ice. What is it? My dad’s behaviour is seriously too mysterious.

I was too stupid to think that the ice cream I was about to eat would turn to ice. Well, after that I got angry and asked my dad to buy me a new one. I was embarrassed that I thought for a moment that the ice cream I was about to eat would turn to ice, and I was angry because I was shifting the blame to my dad for making me think that, LOL. Well, my father is like this. He’s always been like this. He eats whatever is in the fridge. Anything that’s there. Everything he could eat. When I get angry with him for eating it, he get cross with me and tell me to write the name on it. I can understand if it’s a company fridge. When storing in a shared one, you should write the owner’s name on it so that people know who owns it. It’s not like it’s shared between total strangers, so why should you write your name on the one you store in your fridge at home? No, no, no, rather, can you stop eating everything? I’m just saying.

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