What I Want Now is an Electric Bicycle.

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Japanese with anime voice: episode66

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Hello, I’m Sachi.

Today, 3 June, is World Bicycle Day. It’s an international day, so in English it’s World Bicycle Day. Bicycles are a means of transport that can be used without polluting the environment, and can also be used as a relatively easy aerobic exercise. And if you cycle on a road that you normally drive on, you may discover something new that you didn’t know before. This is not limited to cycling, though, as you can also do this just by taking a walk.

Since I started YouTube, I think it would be useful to have a bicycle. When I go to the mountains, it’s easier to use a car. But with a car, you don’t always find a place to park, and you can’t just pull over when you see a nice view. Even when you want to go somewhere and shoot, a car is convenient for getting around, but when it comes to shooting, it becomes inconvenient. With a bicycle, you can go a bit further and stop anywhere at any time, which is great. It’s also nice in this season.

Come to think of it, I thought anyone could ride a bicycle, but there are people who are not good at it. I’ve been riding since I was little, so I didn’t know what it was like. I think it was in junior high school when a friend of mine said she couldn’t ride a bike and I couldn’t believe it. But when I thought about it, there are only front and rear tyres, so it must be difficult if you’re not used to it. When did you learn to ride a bicycle? I don’t remember how old I was, but I still remember when I learnt to ride a bicycle without an auxiliary wheel. At the time, there was a tiny field behind my house. I told my dad that I was going to practise riding my bike, so I asked him to watch by my side and accompany me. I practised there very hard, many, many times without auxiliary wheels, and I think I probably learned to ride that day. My dad just watched me practise. I didn’t ask him that he support me on the bike. I fell many times until I could ride. But it’s strange, because there are moments when you suddenly get your balance, as if a switch has been turned on. I still remember that feeling in my body. That moment when I could balance. My body remembers it, and I still can’t forget the memory of that moment? It’s a really strange feeling and memory. I have an older brother and I wanted to ride the bike they ride. I was not the right height, but I really wanted to try it, so I even gave it a go. Well, I was able to ride it without any problems. LOL

So, about later, a unicycle came into the school. Along with the arrival of the unicycle came an instructor who explained how to ride it, and he backed up on the unicycle. That was shocking. I thought, ‘I didn’t know unicycling could do that. I was able to ride a bicycle so easily, and I could ride a unicycle without any trouble. But that wasn’t fun at all, and I wanted to ride a unicycle backwards like the instructor. That day, after school, my friend and I practised riding backwards on the unicycle. All the time. I really wanted to be able to do it today. It was the same as when I was able to ride a bike, somewhere along the line the balance switch comes on. The day I started practising, I became able to ride backwards on a unicycle. The combination of longing and competitive spirit created a tremendous power of concentration. I wish I still had the concentration I had then, even as an adult. I really did have a tremendous concentration. Well, such things happened, didn’t they? But now I’m old, my senses and physical strength are completely different from when I was a child. If I were to buy a bicycle now, I would prefer an electric bicycle. I don’t want to waste my energy on hills. I need to save my energy for other things, so an electric bike is essential for getting around. I would love to ride my bicycle and film in the countryside in my hometown. As I said at the beginning, I would be able to discover shops and other places that I wouldn’t have noticed by car. I don’t think I’d want to go on narrow roads by car. You can easily go to such places by bicycle, it’s great. I’m sure I’ll discover new things to film on video. One bicycle is good for a lot of things, isn’t it? It’s amazing. Talking about this, I really want to get a bicycle. I hope one day I can afford an electric bike. I’ll have to work harder for that! … I was motivated to do many things because I wanted a bicycle! What this means. Isn’t that amazing…?

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