Think about Christmas gifts.

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Japanese with anime voice: episode7

Think about Christmas gifts. by Japanese with anime voice
If Santa Claus gave you the same gift every year, what would be your first request? I would like about 10 more

Happy Christmas! Hello. I’m Sachi.

How are you all doing? Is there such a thing as Christmas vacation? The 25th in Japan this year is a weekday. So all ordinary office workers go to work and do their normal work as usual. However, if anything, Japanese people are more excited on Christmas Eve. Especially among lovers. If you are going to spend time together, Christmas Eve is more important than Christmas Day. I wonder why? Is it because the word “Christmas Eve” has a nice sound? This year, Christmas Eve fell on a Sunday, so I think it was the best timing for couples!

In other countries, is it common to spend Christmas with family? I see it in movies and such, don’t you?

In Japan, Christmas is an event for lovers, and New Year’s is for family. So, when they reach the age of high school students, the number of those who want to spend Christmas with their boyfriends and girlfriends increases rapidly. It is only when the children are young that they spend Christmas with their families, isn’t it? In high school, even if they don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend, they still have parties with their friends. Even if you are a single adult who lives alone, I don’t think they go all the way back to their parents’ house to spend Christmas with their family. They usually stay at home alone.

Christmas is a time for presents, isn’t it? Parents of families with very young children prepare gifts for their children, while friends and lovers give gifts to each other.

When I was a child, I can only remember one time when my parents gave me a Christmas present. I may have received gifts until I was in elementary school, but I don’t remember it at all. In fact, I don’t even remember celebrating Christmas. The only present I can remember was a gift from my parents. I even remember the circumstances at the time. My dad came home late at night and told me and my brother, who was two years older than me, that he had just met Santa Claus. He took us to the back of the house and there were two presents there. I think it was at that time that my brother said, ‘Santa, or rather our dad, bought them, didn’t he?’ I think that was when I still believed in Santa Claus.

And the present is a Norakuro Rock doll. Norakuro is an animation that was broadcast in the past. I don’t even remember whether I watched it or not. Why was my present Norakuro? It’s not like I told my dad that I liked Rakuro. I’m sure he bought me something that he thought was interesting. Of course, I was happy because I liked stuffed toys.

There was a time when I longed to receive gifts because of my surroundings. I know that it is gratifying to receive something. However, I realized that one’s desire for gifts tends to become more extravagant with each passing year. When one becomes a member of society, for some reason, one becomes more brand-conscious. High-brand purses, accessories, and so on. I felt that it was not a matter of feelings, but a measure of how much they thought of you by the amount of money they spent.

How about eliminating this trend once and for all, and instead giving a gift of 3,000 yen in cash, or setting a rule that gifts are limited to a maximum of 3,000 yen for all people? If it’s cash, everyone needs it and can buy what they want with it. A limit of 3,000 yen is neither inexpensive nor expensive. For me, even 3,000 yen is too much to spend now, so I feel it is a moderately high amount. I think this is a pretty good idea.

Or you ask for the same gift every year. Only you can satisfy your own material desires. If you want that from your partner, ask for the same thing every year.

Suppose you get a Christmas gift from Santa every year. But there is only one condition: you can only get the first thing you ask for. The same gift will be delivered to you from Santa every year. If that is the case, what would you ask for?

In my case, I would like about 10 handkerchiefs. I have hyperhidrosis of the hands and feet. So I can’t be without handkerchiefs. Moreover, I often lose them. It’s not a Christmas present, but when I left my job, a colleague gave me a selection of handkerchiefs. I was very grateful and happy. It was a handkerchief with my name on it. I lost them all. I wonder where they went. I’m really angry at myself for being so lazy with things. It’s impossible to lose everything. It’s too sad.

However, handkerchiefs are expensive. 10 handkerchiefs usually cost about 10,000 yen, which is impossible if we parallel the 3,000 yen method. LOL Let’s limit it to about 3 handkerchiefs.

I’m being modest, but what I really, really want right now are listeners and viewers! I know that’s a bit too greedy, isn’t it? It’s not good, is it? I’ll stop now.

So, who gave you a Christmas gift? Whatever it was, whatever form it took, I hope the gift you received made you smile. I wish everyone the best Christmas. Wishing you love and best wishes from Japan. Happy Christmas!

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