There is No End to What I Could Talk About My Dreams.

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Japanese with anime voice: episode71

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Hello, I’m Sachi.

June 10 is Dream Day, and since June 10 can be read as “夢中 (muchuu)” and the kanji “叶う (kanau)” in 夢が叶う (youme ga kanau) contains the kanji number ten, a woman has proposed that June 10 be the anniversary of Dream Day. The woman thought it would be a day to thank those who have helped you realize your dreams and to think about your dreams. In response, many people said it was wonderful that she was trying to create such an opportunity in this age when there are so few things to get carried away with, and the day was recognized as an official memorial day.

Dream day. I like that kind of thing. I like to dream about all kinds of things. Or maybe it’s fantasy, to be precise. And I like to talk about my dreams. Or rather, I talk about my dreams every day. I talk about them all the time. But they are not about big things, like becoming a pilot or participating in the Olympics, but about things that are closer to home, things that are right in front of me. Of course, it is good to have big dreams, so dreaming is not a big thing or a small thing. But when I think about it from the perspective of making dreams come true through something close to home, I realize that there are many dreams that have come true so far.

For example, one of my dreams was to move to Tokyo after graduating from high school, and it came true. The people who helped me achieve this were my parents. My parents would have made life much easier for me if I had graduated from high school and got a job nearby, but they didn’t say anything about that and sent me off with all the necessities I needed. Other than that, some of my dreams came true in different ways. I wanted to be a voice actor or a celebrity, and now that I’m doing a podcast, it’s like I’m a radio DJ as a voice actor, and if I get fans on YouTube, I’m like a celebrity. In the sense of the word, all YouTubers are celebrities. In the past, only a few people had a chance to do this, but now anyone can do it, thanks to the people who developed platforms such as podcasts and YouTube. One of my dreams was to become a YouTuber. The person I should be thankful to be able to do what I do is my partner. I’m not at home these days, I hardly do any housework, and we don’t spend much time together, but he never complains. In fact, he sometimes accompanies me on my photo shoots. I am grateful for his generosity. I really appreciate it. I also wanted to make friends overseas. This had been my dream for a long time. To make foreign friends. To make friends overseas, you had to go there to make friends, but thanks to the Internet, you can now make friends without leaving Japan even a step. The Internet is wonderful. And thanks to the person who created such a site. And it is thanks to them that I became friends with them and we are still connected today. If they had not loved Japan and studied Japanese, I would never have met them.

When I think about it this way, I realize that so many of my dreams have come true. Moreover, I realized once again that many people have helped me to make those dreams come true. I like the idea of a dream day. It’s a good idea to not only think about your own dreams but also to look at the people who support you around you. Indeed. It’s important to do that even before realizing your dream.

But even though I have achieved so many dreams, I still have many more that I want to achieve. I want to speak fluent English and Spanish. I want to create another YouTube channel with my friends. I want to buy an abandoned house in my hometown in the countryside and live there. I want to grow vegetables with my mom without any pesticides. I want to learn about wild weeds. I want to run a small guest house. I want to go to the U.S., Argentina, and Mexico. The list goes on and on. All in all, in other words, I am crazy about my life.

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