My Blood Type Displays Opportunistic Behavior.

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Japanese with anime voice: episode75

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Hello, I’m Sachi.

Today, June 14, is World Blood Donor Day, an international day to celebrate the birthday of Dr. Karl Luntsteiner, the biologist who discovered the ABO blood type. Therefore, the international notation is World Blood Donor Day.

Blood types include A, B, O, and AB, right? Why is there suddenly an O blood type in the A and B blood types? At first, they called it type C along with AB. They first discovered a blood with a characteristic, so they called it type A. Later, they discovered blood with different characteristics from type A, so they called it type B. Then again, they later discovered that some blood had no characteristics whatsoever, so they decided on type C as the blood other than A and B. However, some researchers suggested that, if there were no characteristics, Type C should be called Type Zero, and so the name was changed to Type Zero. When the researchers were presenting their papers, they misread “zero” as “type O” in the alphabetical list of blood types, and that is how they came to be called “type O.” This is said to be the reason for the name “O,” but this is the prevailing theory, and there are other theories.

Nevertheless, if this theory is true, it means that even smart people make reading mistakes. This means that geniuses are human beings just like me, an ordinary person. How could such a smart person, who is called a researcher, make such an ordinary mistake? It may be disrespectful to compare me with a genius. But really, did no one notice the mistake in the name? Was it inevitable because the paper was published? Is that way of thinking a little too messy? Is that indeed not the case?

In Japan, it is very common to judge one’s personality by blood type. But it seems that, from the point of view of people overseas, blood type can be quite private. In fact, it may be the case in all countries, except Japan. However, I don’t want people to judge my personality based on only four types. That being said, I think that the blood type personality judgments are sometimes quite accurate. But I don’t like people judging my blood type. So, when I tried to behave in a way that people didn’t know what type I was, they would say, “I don’t know what type you are.” Yeah, I don’t know what type I am anymore too.

By the way, let’s take a quick look at blood type personality judgments in Japan.

  • Type A is precise and serious at best, and nervous at worst.
  • Type B is fast-paced at best, and self-centered at worst.
  • Type O is tolerant and open-minded at best, and rough at worst.
  • Type AB has a unique view of the world at best, and duality at worst.

When I talked to a friend from Argentina, she said the same thing. It may be only in Japan that one can judge one’s personality by blood type, but as a personality trait, it may be common worldwide. Well, that’s true. Blood type is common to all human beings. But still, my blood is quite opportunistic. My blood pressure is usually not even 100, which is what you call low blood pressure. However, my blood pressure was 90. When I was working for a company, my boss instructed me to go donate blood. Before donating blood, I had my blood pressure measured, but the nurse looked at my blood pressure numbers and had some doubts. She took my blood pressure again. It seems that my blood pressure was below 80. The nurse then told me that I could not donate blood. I asked if I could donate even if I wanted to. She pointed to a sign and said that it was dangerous for people with low blood pressure to donate blood. The sign she pointed to said that people with blood pressure below 80 could not donate blood. I was surprised at how low my blood pressure was, but at the time of my physical exam, it was well over 100. My blood is a very opportunistic blood, which means that I don’t want to donate blood, but I also don’t want to be treated as unhealthy.

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