Stories of Strange Phenomena and Experiences of Seeing Strange Objects.

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Japanese with anime voice: episode81

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Hello, I’m Sachi.

June 24, today is UFO Day or Flying Saucer Day, a day commemorating the first recorded sighting of a UFO in the U.S. on this day in 1947, and is observed by UFO researchers and other volunteers.

According to this record, businessman Kenneth Arnold was traveling by plane when he spotted nine unfamiliar flying objects that were rapidly ascending and descending at speeds of about 2,700 km/h. He then referred to these objects as flying saucers.

When the information about the discovery of the flying saucer that Mr. Arnold claimed to have seen was published in an article and reported throughout the U.S., similar sighting testimonies began to come in one after another. The U.S. Air Force started an investigation, and when they named the flying saucer “Unidentified Flying Object,” the U.S. Air Force acknowledged the fact. However, the U.S. Air Force soon corrected the name to a kind of optical illusion, and further developed the conclusion that the existence of UFOs is still unknown.

The U.S. Air Force, after temporarily acknowledging the existence of UFOs, quickly corrected it, and since then, various rumors and speculations have been flying around, and many views have been found. In 2021, the U.S. Department of Defense Office of the Director of National Intelligence officially announced the existence of UFOs in a document titled “Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. The document states that it is difficult to draw firm conclusions, but even so, it also publishes an investigation report that U.S. military pilots have encountered unexplained objects in the sky.

Now, do you believe in the existence of UFOs? Or are you the type of person who does not believe in such things? I believe in the existence of UFOs. Or rather, rather than believing in UFOs, I believe that it is not surprising that they exist. I can’t believe that there is only one life form on the earth in such a big universe.

By the way, I have seen strange phenomena and strange objects. When I was driving in the middle of the night, a blue line ran straight across the sky. It was parallel to the ground. From left to right. It was like drawing a short marker line in a notebook. It was a momentary event. At first I thought something had happened on the mountain, but when I looked carefully, I realized that the phenomenon had occurred much higher up than the mountain. At that time, I did not see anything that looked like an object. Recently, it is sometimes in the news that a meteorite has fallen to the ground, isn’t it? If what I saw was a meteorite like that, there is no explanation for the parallel lines in the sky. I think it is normal for meteorites to move from top to bottom. What I saw was really a straight horizontal line.

The other strange object was, well, I didn’t see a definite shape, so I’m not sure if I can call it an object. This also happened at night when I was riding in a car. While I was driving, I saw something curious on my left. If I had to guess the direction, I would say it was probably to the south. But I was very close to it. There were three or four faint red lights in the sky, and they seemed to be coming down little by little. Some of them were overlapping each other. By the time I realized what they were, they were hidden by buildings and I couldn’t see them. I was on my way to pick up my partner at the time, so I didn’t think to stop and check. So I ended up wondering what was going on. It was like I was actually witnessing something I often see in videos. What was that all about? After that, I wondered if anyone else had seen the same thing as I did, so I searched the Internet for the keywords “place,” “time,” and “UFO,” but I couldn’t find anything. After all this time, I wish I had checked to see what it was.

When I talk about such things to people, those who don’t believe in such things make fun of me. Well, it can’t be helped if they don’t believe me. But I don’t think it’s necessary to make fun of me. They should just say, “I just can’t believe it. Before you make fun of me, you should first prove that there is no such thing. If you can convince me with that proof, I may agree with you even if you make fun of me. I know this is just a howl of an occult fan, but…. Have any of you seen a UFO? If you have, please comment!

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