The Parfait Dessert in Japan.

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Japanese with anime voice: episode85

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Hello, I’m Sachi.

June 28 is Parfait Day. A parfait is a type of dessert made by layering ice cream, whipped cream, fruit, syrup, nuts, and other ingredients in order in a glass bowl. It looks gorgeous and comes in a variety of flavors.

This anniversary was established by parfait lovers to commemorate the first baseball 完全試 (kanzenjiai) in Japanese history, which was achieved today in 1950. You may wonder why baseball and parfait are related. Well, it is a clever idea. 完全試合(kanzenjiai) in English is “perfect game. And the French word “parfait,” from which parfait is derived, means “perfect. So, the parfait lovers and the parfait industry decided to make it a day of commemoration. As usual, the idea is brilliant. So today, some restaurants that serve parfait are running campaigns, so if you are in Japan today, this is your chance to have a limited edition parfait or eat a parfait with a discount!

It is said that parfait was introduced to Japan from France in the early Showa period. In France, parfait was already popular as a dessert by the end of the 19th century. When it first came to Japan, it was a luxury dessert, but it gradually spread to the general public and became a staple menu item in coffee shops and cafes. Especially during the period of rapid economic growth after World War II, parfaits became a favorite of many Japanese people, and they were even made at home.

When I was a child, I also longed for parfaits. I even drew pictures of parfaits with the intention of making them myself someday. In my parents’ house, we didn’t eat out very often. So I am sure I longed for something I could eat at a family restaurant or something like that. But nowadays, you can easily buy parfaits at convenience stores that are just as good as those at family restaurants. It’s a good time.

By the way, what is the standard parfait that you can enjoy in Japan?

First, there are fruit parfaits made with an abundance of seasonal fruits. Mango and pineapple parfaits are available in summer, and strawberries and mandarin oranges in winter.

Next is the chocolate parfait. There’s chocolate ice cream with chocolate sauce and even brownies on top. These parfaits are covered in chocolate and are a must for chocolate lovers!

A parfait completely unique to Japan is the Japanese parfait. This parfait is completely Japanese in taste, with matcha ice cream, anko (red bean paste), and shiratama dumplings on top. Japanese ingredients and Western food culture are woven together to create this parfait with a blend of Japanese and Western flavors.

The yogurt parfait is popular among health-conscious people. Fruits and granola are often used as toppings.

The latest parfaits are filled with a lot of fruit and are sometimes as good as art. And they are perfect for Instagram. I introduced the standard parfaits earlier, but in Japan, there are also local parfaits that use ingredients unique to each region. It’s nice to be able to enjoy one thing twice.

Well, parfaits are delicious, but they are also high in calories. Parfaits with yogurt and fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, and are said to be healthy desserts. However, cold yogurt cools the internal organs, and some people believe that it is not suitable for dieting, even though it is low in calories. If you think that low-calorie yogurt is good for you, there are unexpected pitfalls, so be careful. Lastly, the parfait I would like to recommend in Japan is from a convenience store called Ministop! I introduced it in episode 31 as a recommended convenience store. In addition to fruit parfaits, Ministop also offers smooth pudding parfaits and sweet potato parfaits! And while the quality is just as good as you’ll find at cafes and family restaurants, you can have it for a very reasonable price! If you ever come to Japan, be sure to try them out!

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