I’m Too Scared to Swim in the Ocean When I Think There are Sharks.

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Japanese with anime voice: episode96

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Hello, I’m Sachi.

July 15 is Sea Day. This day of the sea is not July 15 every year, but the third Monday of July is designated as the day of the sea. That means this year it is the 15th.

It is designated as one of the national holidays to express gratitude for the blessings of the sea and to wish for the prosperity of Japan as a maritime nation.

Since when, I wonder, did they start changing the original national holiday from a fixed day to a Monday. Apparently, this is called the “Happy Monday” system. If you make Monday a national holiday like Marine Day, you get a three-day weekend, don’t you? They want people to enjoy it

In my opinion, it is better to create a workplace where it is easier to take vacations. It is meaningless for everyone to take off on the same day. Company employees are always crowded and priced for holidays wherever they go, and retailers can only expect to make big sales on those days. The more crowded it gets, the less someone is willing to buy, and that’s a loss of business. I don’t think it’s good for either side. Also, it doesn’t matter to the retailers if you make it a holiday weekend. The point is different.

I can’t complain about it here, though. Incidentally, Japan is the only country in the world that observes Marine Day as a national holiday.

There are also commemorative days related to Marine Day, and one of them is the Water Safety Training Day. This is a memorial day established by a private company. The company is focusing on swimmng in clothes as a training to save lives. They realized that there was not much water safety training in this island nation, so they established the day on the same day as Marine Day in order to promote water safety measures and the training of clothed swimmers. I noticed it when they said this. I really do wonder why water accidents happen every year. It’s as if there is not a year in which no accident has occurred. And, yes, we do have evacuation drills. At school, at work, in shopping malls, in the community, everywhere. But I have never seen a water safety drill. I think that water safety drills should be held at schools. And for adults, it should be a community training event. And accidents in rivers are much more common than in the ocean. I grew up near a river and was told from a young age that rivers are dangerous, but I think many parents nowadays don’t know how dangerous rivers are. I think that water safety training is necessary to protect oneself and one’s child. If you have to rescue someone on the spur of the moment, you will jump into the water without thinking. I think it is important to have training in case that happens.

By the way, which do you prefer, the ocean or the river? I’m not very good at the ocean, and I don’t swim in the river… LOL

When I was a child, the movie “Jaws” was so shocking that I was afraid of the ocean. I was from a prefecture without a beach, and we never went on family vacations, so I never went to the beach, which was fine. But for a while, my friends and I even drove two and a half hours to the Sea of Japan, but I was still afraid of the ocean! The thought of sharks is too scary! Even in a river, I know there is no such thing as a shark, but when the water is muddy, you can’t see the bottom, and that scares me. I was afraid that something might be there. When I took an English lesson online before, I told my Jamaican teacher that I was afraid to swim in the ocean because there were sharks. She explained that the beaches are shallow, so the sharks don’t come that close. But I have seen a movie about sharks coming to the shallow end of the beach, so I don’t understand! We still don’t understand their biology.

I’m not talking about sharks, but I once went snorkeling in Malaysia. At that time, I was so surprised to see a sea cucumber that I almost drowned. At the time, I knew the name of the sea cucumber, but I had never seen what kind of creature it was. I was enjoying looking at tropical fish when all of a sudden something strange appeared in my field of vision, and it looked disgusting. I panicked and got a cramp in my leg. I know I was too scared. But I am scared. Well, that is why I am afraid of the sea. I live in Shizuoka, where there is an ocean, but it is far from my house. Last month, I went to the ocean for a little while, and I saw some surfers, but I passed by them thinking, “I wonder if they are safe from sharks, I hope they don’t get eaten.” Well, I think Japanese beaches are much safer, but still, I don’t want to swim in the sea. I don’t want to find a sea cucumber and get drowned by the shock of its appearance again.

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