A Sixth Sense Within Me.

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Japanese with anime voice: episode99

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Hello, I’m Sachi.

July 18, today is 防犯 (bouhan: Crime Prevention) Day. The day was established to commemorate the establishment of Japan’s first private security company in July of 1962. This company is called SECOM. The actual date of foundation is July 7. The reason why the 18th is set as the anniversary is because the 1 in 18 looks like a stick, and the 8 is read as 犯 (han). This makes the word 防犯 (bouhan). Interesting as always. Just by setting an anniversary date, all kinds of ideas fly around.

By the way, do you take crime prevention measures? I know that crime prevention measures sound like a big deal, but I think that just being a little conscious of a few small things can be a sufficient measure. In my case, sometimes I suddenly feel something. For example, when I am walking down the street, I sometimes think about what would happen if I were to be snatched by a purse snatcher. When I feel this way, I hold my bag on the opposite side of the road, and try to walk along the fence or wall of the house as much as possible. Or, if you walk with only your wallet, hold it to your chest.  I try to do something like that.

Also, I always imagine what I would do if I were attacked, and I train myself to think about how I would counterattack and escape before I become unable to move. If I hear someone’s vital point somewhere, I try to remember it. I am a woman and I am not as strong as a man, and I am not as big. If a man were to hold me down, I would not be able to escape. I need to get out of the way before that happens by defeating them with a single blow. You may think I am overthinking things. But in a world where anything can happen at any time, I always want to have crisis management skills.

By the way, this is a different story, but I had a girl I know do a little fortune-telling for me the other day. And what it said was that I am not the type to die so easily. I had a feeling that I was, but I never thought I would be told that in a fortune-telling session. This is strange, because sometimes I have a sixth sense, and sometimes I feel as if I am protected by something. I wonder what it is, this kind of feeling. I have told this story before, when I had an accident at an intersection due to my own carelessness. It was such a big accident that the car was scrapped, but at that time I felt as if my body was attached to the seat. It was as if I was one with the car. My head was shaken back and forth, left and right. But thanks to that, I didn’t get hurt at all. The windows of the car were almost completely broken. The dealer was surprised to see the car after the accident and wondered how I was not injured.

Actually, my partner is also that type of person. When he was in his 20s, he told me that he was driving down the highway with about five other people in a car when a car came crashing into them from behind at a very high speed. It was an accident that was nothing compared to my accident. The driver was covered in blood, and he was so badly injured that he almost died. Fortunately, everyone survived. As for my partner, all of his friends were badly injured, but only one of them had a scratch on his lip. He was sitting in the back of the passenger seat. An accident on the highway is pretty serious. And yet he only got a scratch. It’s unthinkable. But somehow, when I look at him, I feel that he is a man of great luck. I wonder what this feeling is. It’s really strange. I have met people who made me feel that way in the past. On the other hand, there were people who felt unstable. But that doesn’t mean that I feel that way about everyone. It’s my sixth sense, working in a place I don’t really understand. So, I think that me and my partner together would be the strongest combination. If I were to read his fortune, I would probably say that he is not the type to die so easily, just like me. Well, that’s just a spiritual story. But I think you should believe in this sixth sense. So, if you have a feeling that something is not quite right or that it would be better to do something differently, I think you should follow your own senses honestly. If you have such a feeling, please tell us about it!

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