privacy policy

Thank you for coming to Toralog. This privacy policy shows the following policy for visitor information on all contents and inquiries on Toralog.


  1. Individuals’ and corporations’ information on Toralog is only used to offer this service.
  2. This website never uses individuals’ and corporations’ information on Toralog beyond the reach of policy without their approval.
  3. This privacy policy is limited and applies only to this website.
  4. This website manages individuals’ and corporations’ information on Toralog and tries to improve security for visitors, allowing them to visit this website with confidence.
  5. This website never offers individuals’ and corporations’ information on Toralog without their approval. But we have to obey public institutions of the law, this privacy policy will not apply if they ask for specific information.
  6. This privacy policy is under revision, it will be rewritten and uploaded if necessary.

About advertisements by third-party distributors

This website publishes Google and other advertisements.Advertisements include users’ last access to another website with Cookie.

■ Advertising on this site
You can access by free on Google and many websites in each advertisement. Google
delivers advertisements safely and properly. This website along with Google’s policy and
has been improving the user experience.

■ About Cookie
Also known as browser cookies or tracking cookies, cookies are small, often encrypted text files, located in browser directories. They are used by web developers to help users navigate their websites efficiently and perform certain functions. Due to their core role of enhancing/enabling usability or site processes, disabling cookies may prevent users from using certain websites.

Third-party distributors and advertising networks that distribute advertisements posted on this site

About access analysis

This website uses Google analytics.

  • Google Analytics remarketing.
  • Google Display Network of impression report.
  • Google Analytics user analysis and the report of interest in the category.
  • The service needs Google Analytics for collecting data for the purpose of advertising.

This website never combines individual information. The Google Analytics Opt-out add-on will get rid of your worries.

About comments on this site

This website record IP address against spam, it is its own default system, and never uses it except to spam. The address and the URL are optional. The website manages all of the comments, comment uploads need to approve. The comment will be deleted if includes these words, without approval.

  • The false accusation of a particular individual or corporate.
  • The obscene the contents.
  • The business or order to contraband.
  • It was beyond the reach of morals.


All content provided on Toralog is for informational purposes only. We make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information, and will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information.
Toralog will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information.


If you have any questions please contact this website. ☞Contact form.