Why is Japan Considered a Safe Country to Live in and Travel to?


Hello, Everyone!
Here’s Sachi!

Foreigners Think that Japan is a Safe country. They Feel Safe When They Visit.

We have few gaps in living standards and don’t need to take things from strangers because everyone has the same things.

For instance,

・Almost everyone has a smartphone.
・The personal computer possession rate is 80% in Japan.
・Nearly every family who needs one owns a car.

There are many kinds of jobs available.

Each company wants employees and offers part-time employment as well as temporary staff and contract positions.

Convenience stores have always wanted clerks.

Although working at a manufacturer is so hard wages are high.

It’ll get you back many times over.

In Japanese opinion, when you take money more than necessary from strangers or picked the money up from a dropped wallet, it will get you back many times over.

We were raised being told that God will watch over us.

Nature of Japanese people

We treat others how we want to be treated.

Why don’t Japanese people speak aloud their own opinions?

We think about how the situation will turn out when we say our own opinions.

Others might deny my point of view or the situation might become worse.

If a bad situation is anticipated, then we shouldn’t say anything in order to result in a good outcome for all.

It is called the “Kuukiwoyomu”. It means you should guess what they feel.

Japanese have a lot of emotional words.

We can express our emotions calmly.

We are never loud in public spaces because we prefer silence. This is one of the reasons how we avoid getting in trouble.

If a problem happens, we try to go into the situation with a calm disposition.

We avoid aggressively provoking someone and don’t make sarcastic remarks or insults towards other people.

Always we have a distance between person and person.

Japanese personal space is large because we avoid getting involved with strangers.

We have built up a strong guard that we rarely drop even around strangers. Although, sometimes we can let people into our comfort zones but other items we can give people the cold shoulder.

Japanese get into less fights because we try to be honest with others and prefer to live in calm without disturbing things. Which is why, I bet foreigners think that Japan is a safe country and they feel safe when they visit.

But we have a deep passion for the heart but are reluctant to show too much emotion openly.

It appears that the Japanese are apt to look unhappy, however, in fact, we would like to express ourselves but we aren’t used to doing this enough.

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